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NAD+ is a key co-enzyme that the mitochondria in every cell of our bodies depend on to fuel all basic functions. 

NAD+ play a key role in communicating between our cells nucleus and the Mitochondria that power all activity in our cells

Scientists have now confirmed a direct link between falling NAD+ levels and aging in both animal and in human subjects.


As we age, our bodies produce less NAD+ and the communication between the Mitochondria and cell nucleus is impaired.  .

Over time,  decreasing NAD+ impairs the cell's ability to make energy, which leads to aging and disease  and perhaps even the key factor in why we age .

Poor Bioavailability from Capsules

NAD+ not effective in drinking water or in capsule form

The NAD+ molecule is twice as large as NR or NMN, and is totally degraded in the Gastro-Intestinal tract, so researchers do not use NAD+ in drinking water of mice and it is not sold in capsule form for humans.

NAD+ in IV or IP injections

Research has been successful using NAD+ injections in mice.In humans, clinics that provide NAD+ by IV are exploding in popularity, even though they charge over $1,000 a day and require the patient to be hooked up to a drip IV for 8 hours.

NMN and NR poor bioavailability in capsules
NMN and NR capsules are only partially digested in the stomach, but are almost totally metabolized in the liver and excreted as NAM .

Sublingual delivery solves the bioavailability problem

Molecules like NMN, NR and NAD+ that have low molecular weight and are hydrophilic – they can be absorbed through the capillaries under the tongue directly into the bloodstream. This is called Sublingual (under the tongue) delivery.

Sublingual delivery can bypass the stomach and liver.

This solves the bioavailability problem of capsules that are digested in the stomach, so NAD+ can be used instead of NAD+ precursors. It also greatly improves the effectiveness of NMN.


There are a number of lifestyle changes you can make to increase NAD+ in you body

It’s well known that Calorie Restriction  (CR) can extend longevity by 30–50% in many mammals

CR has also been shown to increase NAD+ levels in the body,thru these pathways:

– Ketone bodies mimic the life span extending properties of caloric restriction (veech,2017)


Ketosis is a metabolic state in which fat provides most of the fuel for the body. It occurs when there is limited access to glucose (blood sugar), which is the preferred fuel source for many cells in the body.

Ketosis can occur in many different diet plans whenever carb intake is low, but is most often associated the Diet, as that is a much easier method for restricting carbs.

Recent research now shows Ketosis provides the benefit in life extension,lowering inflammation and boosting NAD+ .

Intermittent or Periodic Ketosis is also effective at extending lifespan and likely achieves much of the benefit.


Some research even shows more benefit from a cyclical rather than a full time Ketogenic Diet.

Ketogenic Diet Reduces Midlife Mortality and Improves Memory in Aging Mice(Newman, 2017)

The Red bars in the chart at left show the increased levels of the Ketone Body BHB produced from a cyclical Keto diet, resulting in Increased NAD+ and greatly improved neurological function and health.


Researchers are finding that 2-3;short bouts of High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT)per week is far more effective at lowering inflammation (and increasing NAD+),especially among older adults

Exercise is very effective at boosting AMPK and NAD+, especially when performed at times of low blood glucose levels.

Short bouts of HIIT accomplishes the goal, while avoiding overtraining from endurance workouts which increases inflammation and consumes NAD+.