• wzhou64@yahoo.com; sales@willynutra.com
  • 1-240-401-4525 / 4000506055
  • 10 Monona Court, Derwood, MD 20855, USA

ViBrate NMN

Active Ingredients and Function:



Cellular energy optimization; DNA repair; Healthy aging; longevity



Decrease blood pressure, increase blood flow, generate NO



Increase liver function, and metabolize homocysteine


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



    · Fast dissolve

    · Naturally Stabilized

    · 60 tablets / 125 mg NMN each

    · Non-GMO

    · 3rd party Lab Tested for Purity and Safety

    · These tablets can be chewed or used sublingually (under the tongue). Either way, a percentage of the NMN is absorbed directly to the bloodstream and is readily available to cells throughout the body, rather than being almost totally degraded in the stomach as capsules are.



    · Amount: 1-4 tablets

    · Way: chew into >2 pieces and placed under the tongue

    · Time: Any



    NAD+ products have very poor bioavailability unless a delivery method is used that can protect the ingredient from digestion. When taken in regular capsules, less than 10% of NMN or NR make it to the bloodstream intact.

    To address this problem, we developed Sublingual delivery of NMN.

    Convenience/Portability - This is ideal for those who want the ability to take NMN with them.

    Fast Acting - If fast acting is important to you, then we recommend our sublingual tablets as they bypass digestion. They can provide rapid absorption and reach systemic circulation for a noticeable effect in minutes. So whether it is before a quick workout or you need to quickly focus on mental tasks, these products can give you a quick boost when you need it most.

    Easiest to Take - Some people have trouble swallowing pills.

    Best Bioavailability - Approximately 30% of NMN taken sublingually gets absorbed directly into the bloodstream, while the rest passes through the GI tract and gets broken down into less effective nicotinamide.

    Best Overall Value - The best overall value is the product which is best in price combined with best bioavailability. Bioavailability is how much of the product actually makes it to the cells intact.